Mary Jane Fudacz
My Mother was born Mary Jane Dilger on October 31st, 1927. She grew up on the southside of Chicago in Little Flower Catholic Parish. Mary Jane attended Mercy High School and graduated in 1945.

Mary Ann Rezek
My Mom is my daily inspiration. Mary Ann Rezek was/is my best friend and her teachings remain with me daily. May my life be lived with the same goodness and contribution to the those whose lives I touch. Born on Chicago’s west side

Margaret Ann Montero Martin
Margaret Ann (as she was called by family and close friends) was guided by three convictions: First, she was a devoted and active Catholic. Second, she was dedicated to her family. Lastly, she was a passionate advocate of education, especially Catholic education.

Genevieve Cabo Botica
My mother has been and continues to be an inspiration to me as a strong woman of deep faith, dedicated to her family, and a role model for balancing career and family. My mom, who is the daughter of an immigrant Croatian father and American mother, learned early in life how to face tragedy with inner strength. At the young age of six, my mother’s father died tragically in a